According to a Gompers and Lerner study, the challenge is very real, with 90% of new ventures that don’t attract investors failing within the first three years. The problem is that professional investors (Angels and Venture Capital) want a proven business model before they invest, ready to scale, rather than the more risky research and development efforts. The first advice , Martin Zwilling in this article in Forbes, provides for new entrepreneurs is to pick a domain that doesn’t have the sky-high up-front development costs, like online web sites and smart phone apps.
The following suggestions will help you survive the valley of death according to Martion Zwillinhg:
- Accumulate some resources before you start.
- Keep your day job until revenue starts to flow.
- Solicit funds from friends and family.
- Use crowd funding.
- Apply for contests and business grants.
- Get a loan or line-of-credit.
- Join a startup incubator.
- Barter your services for their services.
- Joint venture with distributor or beneficiary.
- Commit to a major customer.