
B2B Web Strategy » Who knew? …proprietary social media is surging

Op zoek naar iets stuit je op iets heel anders, dit over komt me vaker.Internetjutten als variant op het bekende strandjutten. Meestal zinvolle informatie..... Is het hetgeen je vindt je eigendom ? Denk het niet, en dat is ook niet nodig. Ik deel het graag met de lezer van deze blog, en of jij het kan gebruiken, ik hoor het wel.  Don't Blink.  Deze keer een artikel van   Bill Gadless met de titel:
Who knew? …proprietary social media is surging.

A little-discussed corner of the social-media landscape – because it’s largely out of public view – is the arena of proprietary social networks established by businesses to facilitate online collaboration. Yet amid little fanfare, spending on this category – also called “enterprise social media” – will increase by 15.7% to $769.2 million in 2011, according to research by Gartner Group.
Posting on the Vocanic blog, Ian McKee notes the reasons for this:
  • On the demand side, companies need “flexible environments in which participants can connect, create, share and find people and information relevant to their work,” says Gartner research VP Tom Eid. At the same time, proprietary social networks offer businesses more security, management and compliance features than consumer-oriented sites such as Facebook and Twitter, according to …noting the example of deploying a Twitter analogue called Chatter.
  • On the “supply” side, technical barriers to entry continue to drop (and costs along with them), thanks to advances such as cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS). In fact, of the 80 vendors tracked by Gartner, 50 offer enterprise social media solutions based on cloud computing or SaaS.
If your B2B is not yet on board, you may need to consider hopping on this train …especially if your business might benefit from:
  • customers sharing product-use information/experiences
  • customer input to product wish-lists or design
  • R&D collaboration across geographies or among partners
  • beta or early-release product test feedback
  • brand marketing via community development
Yeah… we kinda thought so…